About Me

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Two sisters Charlotte and Deborah, were so inspired by the movie "Julie and Julia" that we decided to start various projects and write a daily blog about our progress. We will be blogging about the projects that inspire us from time to time. Please join us in our jouneys!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 2 Tuesday - Deborah

Today I am meeting a friend at the Farmers Market.  We will do a 2 mile walk at the park and then load up on fruits and veggies.  I plan on taking my lunch (apples, banannas, oranges) into the movie theatre with me.  Contemplating on seeing The Kings Speech.  Not really the top of my list but it is on the Academy Awards list for Oscar.  And it is something that Bob does not want to see.  Tonight is one of my favorite menu's which is strange because it is so simple!  You can either do hamburger patties and a fabulous side salad.  Or, you can do a protein burger(hamburger patty wrapped in lettuce) with roasted brussel sprouts for the "fries".  But even as a child I loved the taste of plain, cooked hamburger!

BREAKFAST EVERY DAY: One half grapefruit -if not available,use fruits* in season
One slice of protein bread**, toasted, no spread added
Coffee /tea (no sugar, cream or milk, no honey)

Fruit salad, any combination of fruits
[substitute lunch recommended - see bottom of page]
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water
Dinner: Plenty of broiled, lean hamburger (see Meat & Poultry link for info)Tomatoes, lettuce, celery, olives (limit 4), cucumbers
and/or Brussels Sprouts
Coffee/Tea/Diet Soda/Water


  1. I love the idea of using lettuce instead of bread! Is the man of the house joining you on this?

  2. Yes, he is! Well, when he can. He travels a lot as you know and must not look like a pansy when eating out with clients. But, as a man, he will lose weight faster than me any way. So it doesn't really matter. We should come out even in the end. HA!
